How to set up wire Tun vpn for free internet

Here are the steps to follow to access free internet on wire tun vpn.

Like any other vpn wire tun is for encrypting your data and and to ensure you access the internet while protected from cyber threats.

But however with deploying some settings you can use wire Tun vpn to access the internet for free without the knowledge of ISP and this vpn was developed from worst labs which uses some UDP port settings which makes it more like Droid vpn.

Here is what your gonna do to surf the internet for free wherever you are with wire tun.

First of all download wire tun vpn from playstore it's already available for the download or you can tap here to download.
This is how the app looks

After downloading the app then open it and ensure you have some little data to update the servers.
After updating the servers it will be like this.

After that tap on where you see server list you will see servers listed down but sofar only one server is around and this is for US. Tap into that server then after tap on the option bar showing Not connected.

Then after that your vpn will have been ready set to access free internet using any of the ISP provided you have internet connection on your phone Well ever you are.

your connected the app will look like this then you can start surfing any social media platform, google, YouTube, tiktok etc.

Like any other vpn now days that can be tunneled to access free internet with wire tun you have to watch ads so as to increase your connection time. Just tap on where you see add time then you will be able to watch ads and increase on your connectivity.

That's all Enjoy free internet.

Dewan is a C Programmer, website creator, brand influencer, online marketer, Blogger, forex trader and Tech expert


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