What are consequences of eating chapatis

Major Effects Your likely to face as a chapati consumer.

Majority of the people in Africa and Asia unlike in Europe according to research and surveys that have been carried out depend on wheat for their day to day survival, these include the students, bachelors, single men and women and also third world people who live in the third world economy.

This consumption of wheat is good in different ways but due to the fact that some people over consume wheat excessively reaching a point that they can't survive without it which goes against the balanced equation of a person's diet.

The following are some of the positive effects of consumption of chapatis and other wheat related products.

1. Wheat is Rich in iron. Wheat chapatis according to studies are rich in iron and this is so important in one's body for example the young and old for bone hardening and growth.

2. Rich in proteins. Wheat chapatis and the other wheat products are all rich in proteins, and so if diet is your thing then this is great for you.

Four chapatis are enough a day to generate enough proteins for your body and this compromises of over 12% of the proteins needed for the body daily.

3. Important for digestion system. Wheat especially chapatis for wheat contain dietary fiber which is so good for constipation patients and also those who are eager to empty their intestines.

Not only is wheat helpful to your body but over consumption of wheat products like chapatis can cause negative effects to your body.

1. Once you eat so much chapatis for a long period of time you may end up consuming alot of gluten which will cause gastritis and other digestion system diseases to your body.

2. Wheat contains gluten which is on a high percentage and this causes  allergies to some people.

Wheat also contains oxalates which is a key problem to allergic reactions to majority of the people who consume it at a high rate.

NB: The Best you can do for your health is not to consume excessively.

Dewan is a C Programmer, website creator, brand influencer, online marketer, Blogger, forex trader and Tech expert

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