This is how Nigerian Women are making money while selling their eggs.

 Nigerian Women are proudly selling their eggs see why?

By 15th last week on Friday news were already circulating with in the globe and on various tv stations, radio stations and news papers how most of the Nigerian Women were busy selling their eggs for money.

Nigeria being among the fastest developed and still developing countries in Africa, this gives them a chance to exposure on most of the western culture practices, technology and way of living.

With this in question most of the natives of Africa praise Nigerians because are among the creative, innovative and the same time ranked number one in Africa to produce the intelligent people referred to as scammers now days.

What is egg donation?

Egg donation is a process by which a woman called the donor provides her eggs (ovum) to another woman called the recipient so as to assist her in getting pregnant/ conceiving a baby.

Is it safe?

On healthy grounds it is medically safe, Medicine has shown that a woman is born with an estimated 2 million immature eggs and a vast majority of these eggs will die through a process known as apoptosis. of this number of eggs only 400 eggs will mature naturally.

Egg donation has no effect on this number. it is safe and does not affect your getting pregnant in future.

How much do you get paid for donating eggs in Nigeria?

How much are eggs donors paid in Nigeria? Compensation varies quite a bit depending on where you donate your eggs. Usually in Us egg donor are paid between $5000-$10,000 per cycle.

So in Nigeria it may be some how cheaper but still depends on the state you are, location and hospital. 

Is egg selling legal?

In the US it is legal for a woman to sell her eggs either anonymously or not. it is also legal to receive financial compensation for donating eggs.

Egg donation clinics will require all doors to sign a contract that ensures they have o legal rights or responsibilities to any resulting children oe embryos.

Where can you sell your eggs in Nigeria?

  1. Fusion Nest fertility centre
  2. Garki Hospital Abuja
  3. Green Onyx fertility clinic
  4. Nordica fertility Centre Abuja
  5. Nordica fertility Centre Asaba
  6. Origene Health Services.

These are the so far known by our source where one can go and do any egg donation and you will be paid according without committing any crime.


Dewan is a C Programmer, website creator, brand influencer, online marketer, Blogger, forex trader and Tech expert

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