What is Ecommerce Business


illustartion of ecommece business

It is a technology Era and due to the fact that many businesses have been hint by Covid 19 and some have went a head to even shut down which has caused losses, unemployment, and not only that but also cronic diseases to some of our investors in the US, Europe, Asia and Africa at large.

With all of these I suggest a business owner to stand up again and start setting up an e-commerce business, E-commerce business and Online business are all the same which simply means selling and buying of goods and services with use of electronic media. Electronic Business is geared by a number of factors but the major factor is Network and the Internet since businesses are carried out online.

There are various E-commerce businesses and these include the following.

  • Digital markets like Amazon, Alibaba among others.
  • Government E-business like paying taxes online etc.
  • Social E-business like payment of water and electricity bills online etc. 
However one should know that Electronic business works on a system of models and are as below.

  • B2B also known as business to business model. With this model a business like Apple makes laptops  and sells these laptops to Alibaba.com meaning their is interaction between a business and a business.
  • B2C also known as business to customer here a business owner opens up a website and starts selling goods and services to customers like you see Amazon.com and Jumia.com 
  • C2C also known as Customer to Customer here there is an intermediary and a good example of this is ebay where there are different business people who register as vendors on ebay and sell goods to final customers.
However all these business activities are done online and can be blended you can find an e-business like Amazon when it has like three or two of these models which still is fine and legal and all the transactions here are done online either with paypal, stripe or mobile money among others.

And with online business or electronic business you can still join and do what is called online marketing or digital marketing. This involves you to advertise your business online with either Facebook, Google ads and blogs among others and this is the cheapest and quickest method more than the traditional way because you pay for clicks and impression and you can also target specific geographical area and your business are shown to that specific area.

And with this I suggest you start E-commerce Business because there are few things needed.

  1.  A website. With this you can sign up for drop shipping or can design your own website with the free tools for website creation without  spending a lot since your website is your business and its what people see and also interact with and if you can't create a website I suggest you use one of the already existing e-commerce businesses like Amazon and then request for vendor rights from them and you will start selling your goods with Amazon then they will be deducting a certain discount for hosting you as a vendor and this is pretty cool and easy.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
  2. The product or service your selling. Having got the platform where to sell from you just need to upload photos and small videos and prices of your goods and services your selling.
That's how simple it is to increase your sells and open up a business why don't you start today.

Dewan is a C Programmer, website creator, brand influencer, online marketer, Blogger, forex trader and Tech expert

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